Dear Bernie: Congratulations!

Bernie by Gage Skidmore, Flicker, CC BY-SA 2.0:
Photo: Gage Skidmore, Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0

Dear Bernie,

Hello and Congratulations! It has been quite a new year for our dear country with what has been bestowed upon us in welcoming a new president, who is both a former colleague and friend of yours, as you once had said. Yes, Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021 after quite the elections to get him there. Though we have a lot of work ahead of ourselves, we also have much to celebrate, which will hopefully include a peaceful yet resilient transfer of power.

It has come to our attention with the hard work of Georgia and all the democratic votes not only from there and nationwide, but from citizens all around the world, The Democratic Party has a big agenda to fill. The biggest concern, of course, is SARS-CoV-2 and a stronger variant of it. Indeed, the nation must heal by making sure our healthcare system is both adequate and healthy, which includes having plenty of Personal Protective Equipment and ventilators, as well as the amount of oxygen and blood available.

As you may know, many of our healthcare workers are burnt out or have had to continually face the seriousness of COVID-2019, the lung infection which can cause lasting injuries and even death. It is a grave matter unless we take precautions and hopefully fight the virus with safe, effective vaccines and a plan for distribution. As you and others have stated, the vaccination should be free to every person who wants it.

In one of the richest countries in the world, it is also important to think of economic matters. Some businesses are thriving while others are sinking — possibly even operating in violation of shutting down because business owners in certain areas need to stay open in order to feed their family and keep their property. Many schools are also closed which means some families have to adjust to the need of obtaining the latest technology, internet service and school materials, including but not limited to meals, books, and areas to exercise. Meanwhile, people still find themselves without jobs or affordable healthcare and some cannot even afford to eat.

It is a dire time for our nation right now. We are trying to understand what happened on January 6 when a mob, as well as thousands of Trump supporters showed up to our U.S. Capitol and demanded a change to a presidential election certified by State Supreme Courts, even. In fact, we may have a president who still does not want to step down and looks to his aggrieved supporters for actions against our government. Meanwhile, some of us are unsure whether our intelligence agencies are AWAKE, and not only does this put us in front of a world-stage spotlight, but it can also highlight our flaws.

U.S. Capitol with flag via Wikimedia:
By Bobt54 via Wikimedia, CC BY 3.0

Dearest Bernie, some of us are aware that with the amazing efforts of Georgia voters in winning a crucial senate runoff election for The Democrats to give Biden a bluer congress, it is time to get to work on what our nation needs to heal, unite, and progress. Sure, a few of us might see what some supporters of Trump are upset about and that is a better America which addresses the needs of both working-class families and businesses. To some, it is unfair that top corporations are raking in all the profits while others are getting shut down because they are ‘too small’ to thrive; it is unfair workers are losing their unemployment, healthcare, housing, nourishment and possibly sanity through no fault of their own; it is unfair some people take precautionary measures to stop COVID-19 while others do not.

There is no doubt that our country is looking at the next chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. Though that is an amazing achievement and well-deserved, it is equally important to understand what that might entail for the people.

According to Jack Fitzpatrick of Bloomberg Government in an article titled, “Sanders to Use Budget Gavel to Seek Aggressive Economic Aid,” Congress still needs to draft a budget resolution for Fiscal Year 2021 and 2022. You may be focused on raising taxes and battling climate change with green-energy initiatives; however, it may be wise to also consider priorities pertaining to healthcare, education, small business and individuals. It is more than fair to state every American making less than a certain amount should get a stimulus check, given the circumstances with COVID-19. It is also fair to state that perhaps raising taxes even more than Biden is considering is worth it since our nation is in need of a grand recovery.

Dear Bernie, our country should be focusing on how to make healthcare more affordable! Many of us know having employer-tied healthcare is risky, but also that most insurance plans are unaffordable. The Democrats must come together, especially in a bipartisanship way, in providing Americans with better access to equitable healthcare coverage which also includes vision and dental. There is no reason to not pass a more comprehensive healthcare program which focuses on the excruciating need of healthcare.

Patient and Nurse praying via Wikimedia:
By Ahs856 via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

Next, our kids are the future! Though the U.S. has an exceptional system of education, it does not appear to be enough when it comes to providing the next generation of leadership who look to tackle climate change, seek and find justice for all, and build strong relationships within communities and even worldwide. It is vital to ensure all students have access to quality education, come out of college debt-free, support individualized educational plans and find opportunities to self-sustain and succeed. Not only that, school lunches should be FREE for every student in grades K-12, no questions asked.

Furthermore, many of us understand that businesses play an indispensable role in our economy. A lot of companies sought the Paycheck Protection Program to stay afloat after our economy was forced to slow down to ease the spread and impact of COVID-19. There are various types of businesses which need a larger amount of help than others and it is important we do not forget them when they are competing against more profitable ones or exist in an industry hurt more by the impact of COVID. A few of us even realize how this affects state and local government budgets and how all of us must work together to ensure a strong economy for ALL. We should make sure these businesses receive a tax credit for any losses through no fault of their own.

Finally, though current means-tested programs are underway not only in the U.S. but abroad, we should be looking at ways to possibly implement a Universal Basic Income. With UBI, we could likely reduce wasteful spending and provide more equal opportunity to all of our citizens by not only lifting them out of poverty or debt but also giving them a chance to thrive — in health, in business, in staying afloat. Now is the moment to actually be the greatest country on earth by catching up with other industrialized nations who already provide relief and assurances to their citizens and seem to do so with ease.

You, dear Bernie, are an extraordinary congressman and major voice for the people. You are to be congratulated for your achievements and role as a man of the people. We all look forward to what you are capable of as chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. Again, Congratulations!

The People

